Speedrunning Model Building
This is the workshop you get on model building when you crash lots of background thinking about the importance of knowing what you think you know and why you think you know it, knowing your inside views, a previous workshop, improvisation and a 30 minute time limit.

How to Feel About EA
There are a lot of ways one could feel about EA, and a lot of aesthetics and vibes it could have. I find it useful to be able to switch between different lenses and notice which ones appeal to me the most. Also I like lists.

EA as Nerdsniping
There might be digital people one day
We can maybe give people their daily recommended calories by taking over paper factories for $1/day
Different people and species probably have different hedonic ranges
60,000 stars become forever inaccessible to us every second

Giving the “Is That a Lot?” Rationality Workshop
Brooks Brothers shoes are in the few hundred at a quick glance, but use numbers you think are relevant. Maybe Peter Singer has hilariously expensive taste in shoes.

“Is That a Lot?”: Rationality Workshop
Do you feel like EAs throw around big numbers a lot? If you don’t have your own sense of orders of magnitude, they’re just going to drag you around.